21.10. - 27.10.24 Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Schweden / Oktober / Festivals_Neu / Festivals / 451°F - 451°F Film-Newsletter




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21.10. - 27.10.24 Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Schweden

21.10. - 27.10.24 Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Schweden

Founded in 1982, the Uppsala International Short Film Festival has since become Sweden's premier arena for short film, having attained both national recognition of the Swedish Film Institute and genuine international renown. In addition, the festival is the most important international cultural event in Uppsala. Every year the festival shows more than 300 short films in five different sections exploring the diversity and richness of the short film - from new film to retrospective programmes, from fiction film, documentaries and experimental film to animations.


Uppsala International Short Film Festival
Klostergatan 1
SE-753 21 Uppsala Sweden
Tel: +46 18 12 00 25
Mail: info(at)shortfilmfestival.com