15.8. - 21.8.24 Edinburgh International Film Festival / August / Festivals_Neu / Festivals / 451°F - 451°F Film-Newsletter




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15.8. - 21.8.24 Edinburgh International Film Festival

15.8. - 21.8.24 Edinburgh International Film Festival

Established in 1947, the Edinburgh International Film Festival is renowned around the world for discovering and promoting the very best in international cinema - and for heralding and debating changes in global filmmaking. Intimate in its scale, ambitious in its scope, and fuelled by pure passion for cinema in all its manifestations, EIFF seeks to spotlight the most exciting and innovative new film talent, in a setting steeped in history.


Edinburgh International Film Festival
88 Lothian Road
Edinburgh EH3 9BZ
Scotland UK
Mail: info(at)edfilmfest.org.uk