instagram: @mademoiselletenta
in preparation for
feature film by Tobias Madison
"Maloney-Killerinstinke" Michael Schaerer, SRF
"Lo que queda de ti" Gala Gracia,Bastian Films
"they hold each other's hand..." Tobias Madison
"Dunkle Wasser" Arman&Arash T.Riahi,ORF/ZDF
*Project Atelier voor beeldende kunstenares
-"Kaiserspiel"Christian Twente,ZDF,ARTE
-"S'Gäld" Tobias Madison, ZhdK
-"Er so Sie so" Benjamin Heisenberg
2019 "Die Nacht gehört dir", FrankenTatort Max Fäberböck
2019 "Tsokos" TV Serie,Hansjörg Thurn
"Manager" Sabine Boss,Turnus Films
"Freaks out" Gabriele Mainetti, goon films,
"Der Wächter" Albin Wildner, FA Wien
"Goud" Rogier Hesp,Baldr Productions
"Bloody Marie" Guido van Driel,family affairs
"Der Unschuldige" Simon Jaquemet,8horses
"Schnell ermittelt" Michi Riebl,ORF
"Notruf Hafenkante" Dustin Loose,ARD
"de Zonen van Van As" Thomas de Cock, VTM
- "Our Girl" BBC Drama Series,HR,Jan Matthys
- "Elvis Peeters" Film,Eva Küpper,outerworld prod.
- "Entretemps", Kika Nikolela, Short
"Le voyage de Fanny", Lola Doillon|Bee Films & Origami Films
"De Zonen van Van As", TV Series|VTM, third season, Thomas de Cock
"L’oiseau priant", Short, Deniz Campinar, RITS
"Blue", Short, Joachim Schloemer
"Le tout noveau téstament", Jaco van Dormael, Climax|Caviar|Juliette|TwentyTwo Prod.
"Le petit requin", Jean Babtiste Francois, INSAS
"Bild mit Ton", TV, Lara Stoll, SSF
"Madame Nobel", TV-Film, Urs Egger|ORF, ARD, BR
"De Zonen van Van As", TV Series, Matthias Coppens|R.V.Productions
"Janus", TV Miniseries, Andreas Kopriva|MR Film
"Copstories", TV, Barbara Eder, Gebhardt Film
"Run Boy Run", Short, Marion Bangerter|TMEye Prod.
"Thank You", Short, Joachim Schloemer|METfilm
"Traumland", Petra Volpe, Zodiac Pictures
"Soko Donau|Der Heilige der Verdammten”, Manuel Hendry, Satel Film
"Die schöne Spionin", TV-Movie, Miguel Alexandre, ATF|SK FILM
"Das Loch 2", Short, Lara Stroll, ZhdK
"Scotchend", Short, Marco Muccio|F&F Zürich
"IndianQueen", Coproduction Theater Basel & Schwetzinger Festspiele
"Berner, hört die Signale" & "True Nature", Stadttheater Bern
"True Nature", Theater am Neumarkt, von & mit Anna Tenta & Hannes Glarner
"Herodiade", Flemish Opera, directed by Joachim Schloemer
Anna Tenta
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Spielalter |
Grösse (cm) |
Augenfarbe |
Haarfarbe |
Figur |
schlank und athletisch
Muttersprache |
deutsch ch-deutsch franz.
Fremdsprachen |
französisch,englisch und niederländisch fliessend,spanisch und italienisch grundkentnisse
Drehsprachen |
deutsch schweitzerdeutsch französisch englisch niederländisch
Dialekte |
Sprecher |
Fahrausweis |
Website | |
Link zu Showreel | |
Agentur | |
Sport |
reiten,schwimmen,,klettern,kung fu,yoga
Tanz |
ehem. prof.tänzerin
Instrumente |
Stimmlage |
Wohnmöglichkeiten |
Wohnort |
Land |
Anna Tenta, Swiss/Austrian actress and former prof. dancer, grew up in France and Switzerland,and has been professionally trained at the University of performing arts Mozarteum and at SEAD, in Salzburg. Until 2011, she has worked as a dancer and choreographer internationally. In 2009 she received an award for outstanding achievement from the city of Zürich in the field of dance and performance. Anna has also appeared in numerous German speaking television productions and became popular in theatre for "True Nature", a play written and co-directed(with Johannes Glarner) by her in which she also played the female lead. Since 2013, she has been a series regular on a Flemish Belgian Comedy series “De Zonen van Van As”. She had the chance to work alongside Catherine Deneuve in the award winning and golden globe nominated Belgian film by Jaco van Dormaels, "The Brand New Testament". She played "Kicki" in the second season of the BBC Drama Series "Our Girl" and received very positive reviews for her performance. 2017 she was filming a.o. the swiss feature film "der Unschuldige" by Swiss director Simon Jaquemet(chrieg/war) , and worked on a german speaking TV Series,and continued with the Belgian Series "de Zonen van Van As".2018 started with filming a feature in the Netherlands,and afterwards she war filming in Rome,Italy- the new feature film "freaks out" by Gabriele Mainetti.After that she took on a role in "der Manager" the new feature film by swiss director Sabine Boss.2019 started with another german TV series "tsokos" directed by Hansjörg Thurn,and was followed by the "Frankentatort" in Nürnberg, directed by Max Faeberboeck. 2022 she played a series lead in "dark waters" by the Riahi brothers in Austria, and most recently she filmed the Spanish feature film "Lo que queda de ti" by Gala Gracia, produced by Bastian Films.Her own first feature film is in development.
instagram: @mademoiselletenta
in preparation for
feature film by Tobias Madison
"Maloney-Killerinstinke" Michael Schaerer, SRF
"Lo que queda de ti" Gala Gracia,Bastian Films
"they hold each other's hand..." Tobias Madison
"Dunkle Wasser" Arman&Arash T.Riahi,ORF/ZDF
*Project Atelier voor beeldende kunstenares
-"Kaiserspiel"Christian Twente,ZDF,ARTE
-"S'Gäld" Tobias Madison, ZhdK
-"Er so Sie so" Benjamin Heisenberg
2019 "Die Nacht gehört dir", FrankenTatort Max Fäberböck
2019 "Tsokos" TV Serie,Hansjörg Thurn
"Manager" Sabine Boss,Turnus Films
"Freaks out" Gabriele Mainetti, goon films,
"Der Wächter" Albin Wildner, FA Wien
"Goud" Rogier Hesp,Baldr Productions
"Bloody Marie" Guido van Driel,family affairs
"Der Unschuldige" Simon Jaquemet,8horses
"Schnell ermittelt" Michi Riebl,ORF
"Notruf Hafenkante" Dustin Loose,ARD
"de Zonen van Van As" Thomas de Cock, VTM
- "Our Girl" BBC Drama Series,HR,Jan Matthys
- "Elvis Peeters" Film,Eva Küpper,outerworld prod.
- "Entretemps", Kika Nikolela, Short
"Le voyage de Fanny", Lola Doillon|Bee Films & Origami Films
"De Zonen van Van As", TV Series|VTM, third season, Thomas de Cock
"L’oiseau priant", Short, Deniz Campinar, RITS
"Blue", Short, Joachim Schloemer
"Le tout noveau téstament", Jaco van Dormael, Climax|Caviar|Juliette|TwentyTwo Prod.
"Le petit requin", Jean Babtiste Francois, INSAS
"Bild mit Ton", TV, Lara Stoll, SSF
"Madame Nobel", TV-Film, Urs Egger|ORF, ARD, BR
"De Zonen van Van As", TV Series, Matthias Coppens|R.V.Productions
"Janus", TV Miniseries, Andreas Kopriva|MR Film
"Copstories", TV, Barbara Eder, Gebhardt Film
"Run Boy Run", Short, Marion Bangerter|TMEye Prod.
"Thank You", Short, Joachim Schloemer|METfilm
"Traumland", Petra Volpe, Zodiac Pictures
"Soko Donau|Der Heilige der Verdammten”, Manuel Hendry, Satel Film
"Die schöne Spionin", TV-Movie, Miguel Alexandre, ATF|SK FILM
"Das Loch 2", Short, Lara Stroll, ZhdK
"Scotchend", Short, Marco Muccio|F&F Zürich
"IndianQueen", Coproduction Theater Basel & Schwetzinger Festspiele
"Berner, hört die Signale" & "True Nature", Stadttheater Bern
"True Nature", Theater am Neumarkt, von & mit Anna Tenta & Hannes Glarner
"Herodiade", Flemish Opera, directed by Joachim Schloemer
Jahr | Ausbildung |
1993-1997 | universität mozarteum salzburg |
2010 | actors seminar eric morris,L.A |
Jahr | Auszeichnung |
2009 | anerkennungspreis der stadt zürich |
2001-2009 | div.kleine tanzbezogene preise |
1994-1998 | begabtenförderungs stipendium/carl orff förderungsstipendium |
2015 | cannes,mit "le tout nouveau testament" |
2016 | golden globe nomination for "le tout nouveau testament" |
2018 | vlaamse televisiester voor "de zonen van van as" |