21.3. - 30.3.25 Kaboom Animation Festival, Utrecht und Amsterdam

Animations- und Game-Festival mit Wettbewerben
What is Kaboom?
That’s us! Nice to meet you. Simply put: Kaboom adores animation. We live it, we breathe it, we devour it like an unguarded bag of cookies. At Kaboom, we believe animation is not just a genre of film: it’s more than film. It’s a perplexingly diverse medium that offers us so much more than anvils falling on coyotes. Because we want to shout this from the rooftops, we created Kaboom Animation Festival, a progressive and inclusive festival in the Netherlands that celebrates animation in all its glorious shapes and sizes. It’s the place where we encourage auteurs to drag us out of our comfort zone by presenting us with their thought provoking art, mind-blowing design efforts and provocative experimentation.
Kaboom Animation Festival
Arie Biemondstraat 111
NL - 1054PD Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)30 772 32 43