8.11. - 17.11.24 Cinanima, Espinho, Portugal

8.11. - 17.11.24 Cinanima, Espinho, Portugal

Nationales und internationales Animationsfilmfestival mit Wettbewerben, Spezialprogrammen und Retrospektiven

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Portuguese Animated Cinema, CINANIMA has organized an exhibition that offers a unique view on its history and development. The exhibition '100 Years of Portuguese Animated Cinema' will open today on November 10 at 21:00 at Piscina Solário Atlântico. You can visit it until November 26.

One of the main components of this exhibition, “Estúdio 100”, constitutes the filmic part. It offers the screening of films that, for various reasons, are important for the history of Portuguese Animation Cinema.

The documentary "Espinho: Praia da Saudade" by Ricardo Malheiro (1955) will be shown at the Opening.


Rua 62, 251
4500-366 Espinho - Portugal
Tel: +351 22 733 13 50/ 1

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